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According to Cédric Villani, this journal is "considered by many to be the most prestigious of all mathematical research journals". Acta Mathematica was founded by Gösta Mittag-Leffler in 1882 and is published by Institut Mittag-Leffler. Rank Full Journal Title Total Cites Journal Impact Factor Eigenfactor Score 1 ACTA NUMERICA 1,999 7.417 0.003320 2 Advances in Nonlinear Analysis 478 6.636 0.002880 3 Forum of Mathematics Pi 130 5.250 0.002740 4 ANNALS OF MATHEMATICS 12,419 4.165 0.020860 5 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY 3,694 4.091 0.012320 Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis de Mathematica Toggle navigation. Home; About Us; Impact Factor; Publishers; Suggest; Contact; Login; Top Publication Journal Impact Factor List 2014 ( Now Online !!! ) Date: 02 nd August, 2014. Getting Your Journal Indexed Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series Journal Metrics 2016 Downloads - 2016 Springer measures the usage on the SpringerLink platform according to the COUNTER (Counting Online Usage of NeTworked Electronic Resources) standards.

Acta mathematica impact factor

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It focuses on the  Reputable Journals within the Subject Area, Impact Indicator. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY, H-index: 80 CiteScore: 9.10. Acta ArithmeticaISSN: 0065-1036(p) 1730-6264(e). The journal publishes papers on the Theory of Numbers. Online First articles · All issues · Last issueVol 198,  Full Journal Title.

Acta Mathematica (4.79) Comm. Pure Appl.

2012 Vol. 18 Nr 3 - TIDNINGEN

planning and targeted R&D work, which has a long-term impact and which is solving the  inte, är att mäta journalens så kallade impact factor. Faktorn är Namn URL. Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae Acta historica et archaeologica mediaevalia 1520-7412 Acta koreana Studia Rosenthaliana 0081-6906 Studia scientiarum mathematicarum The rapid Impact Factor (IF), Journal Citation Reports (JCR), European Reference Index for the  Nova Acta Regiae Societatis Scientiarum Upsaliensis, Ser. V. Advantage, Produktion and Trade Patterns in Manufactures: An application of the factor proportions hypothesis with some qualifications. Offprint from Opuscula mathematica A. Wiman dedicata 11.2 1930.

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Acta mathematica impact factor

· The 2019-2020 Journal Impact IF of Acta Mathematica is 2.458 Acta Mathematica Key Factor Analysis · The 2018-2019 Journal Impact IF of Acta Mathematica is 3.045 Acta Mathematica Key Factor Analysis Acta Mathematica. Impact Factor History. 2019 / 2020 Impact Factor 3.045; 2018 Impact Factor 2.792; 2017 Impact Factor 2.480; 2016 Impact Factor 2.241; 2015 Impact Factor 3.688; 2014 Impact Factor 2.875; 2013 Impact Factor 3.300; 2012 Impact Factor 2.966; 2011 Impact Factor 3.333; 2010 Impact Factor 5.222; 2009 Impact Factor 2.333; 2008 Impact Factor 1.762 11 rows The impact factor (IF) 2018 of Acta Mathematica is 2.79, which is computed in 2019 as per it's definition.

Acta mathematica impact factor

The vanishing cycles of curves in toric surfaces I. Compositio Mathematica, 154 (8), 1659-1697. 36 Body Mass Index: ett mått på förhållandet mellan vikt och längd, används för att definiera övervikt och fetma. 37 PCOS innebär att ”The Impact of Very Premature Birth on the Psychological. Health of Mothers”.
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Journal Impact Factor: 3.045. Eigenfactor: 0.00471. The journal Acta Mathematica and its contents are owned by the Institute Mittag-Leffler, of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. This page last updated: Wed, 17 Mar 2021 23:48:00 GMT (3/17/2021, 9:48:00 AM Local Time) The impact factor (IF) 2018 of Acta Mathematica is 2.79, which is computed in 2019 as per it's definition. Acta Mathematica IF is increased by a factor of 0.31 and approximate percentage change is 12.5% when compared to preceding year 2017, which shows a rising trend.

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Paper format(s) of initial submission. Acta Mathematica Journal Impact Factor ISSN :: 0001-5962 ACTA MATH DJURSHOLM.

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Ever since the start, it has been one of the most prestigious mathematics journals in the world. Since 2017, the full texts of all old and new articles are available online. Acta Mathematica contains original research papers of the highest quality in all fields of mathematics. Acta Mathematica (4.79) Comm. Pure Appl. Math.

36 Body Mass Index: ett mått på förhållandet mellan vikt och längd, används för att definiera övervikt och fetma.