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Databases and online resources -

Whereas the objective of this Directive, which is to afford an appropriate and uniform level of protection of databases as a means to secure the remuneration of the maker of the database, is different from the aim of Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 1995 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free This database is made available solely for the purpose of information. It has no legal value. The Commission declines any responsibility or liability whatsoever for errors or deficiencies in this database. Information in the database may not be timely, complete or accurate. Please use the links above to select the required action 2016 - European Commission - Mobility and Transport. Last Update : {0} | TopTop - The first module of EUDAMED: Actor registration was made available on 1 December 2020.

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The characterisation of potential CO 2 storage sites is a prerequisite for the large scale deployment of CCS in Europe. In support of development of a European CO 2 Storage Atlas the European Commission funded the CO2StoP project (CO2 Storage Potential in Europe - Project No. ENER/C1/154-2011-SI2.611598), which made a first assessment of the European CO 2 storage This lists the organisations accredited to run projects under European Voluntary Service - part of the European Union's Erasmus+ programme. Marine litter database Lessons learned in compiling the first pan-European beach litter database Addamo, A M, Brosich, A, Chaves Montero, M d M, Giorgetti, A, Hanke, G, Molina Jack, M E, Vinci, M 2018 EUR 29469 EN Database Subject Filter Database Types Filter All Database Types Controversial Issues eBooks Film & Media Instructor Resources Literary Criticisms Magazines Newspapers Primary Sources Reference/Encyclopedias Research Tools Scholarly Peer-Reviewed Journals Streaming Video Trade Publications Database on energy efficiency indicators and energy consumption by end-use and their EU funded project which aims at giving EU Member States tools and   to energy services (based on EU-SILC data) and the other two are calculated using household income and/or energy expenditure data (based on HBS data). The EC proposes regulation and actions to foster trustworthy AI in Europe call for i-Space labels and joining the European federation of data innovation hubs.

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Since the entry into force of the Directive, the database market The information in the database is based on the Union list of flavourings and source materials as laid down in Part I of Annex I of Regulation (EC) No 1334/2008. Important remark: The Union list of flavourings and source materials is to apply without prejudice to other provisions laid down in sector specific legislation. Union database on supply chain security .

Databases and online resources -

Ec database

2020-01-23 Enzyme Nomenclature Database. Simple search.

Ec database

Number of actions financed through the different Programmes by country. Enzyme Nomenclature Database. EC: : Accepted name: α-amylase: Reaction: Endohydrolysis of (1→4)-α-D-glucosidic linkages in polysaccharides containing three or more (1→4)-α-linked D-glucose unitsOther name(s): Classifications derived from joint submissions to the REACH registration process are flagged accordingly. For more information on these substances, please consult the Registered substances database. Please note that some of the information on C&L Inventory may belong to third parties. The Database Directive, adopted in 1996, aims at encouraging the development of databases through appropriate legal protection and the use of data. The Commission launches today a consultation to understand better how the Database Directive is used, to evaluate its impact on users and to identify possible needs of adjustment.
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edited by van Ierland, E.C., H.P. Weikard, J. Wesseler. Wageningen University: Environmental Economics and Natural Resources Group. June 1, 2002 Navrud  Finns på : 20.
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Welcome to the Climate Data Store. Dive into this wealth of information about the Earth's past, present and future climate.

Sverige - European Database of Asylum Law

These enzymes are classified under EC 1.14.15: oxidoreductases acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen, with reduced iron-sulfur protein as one donor, and incorporation of one atom of oxygen into the other donor (e.g.

You can view our entire directory or filter by geographic location, designation, category and more. Search for Chemicals - ECHA.